Gay Households in Hyattsville

Photo of a rainbow flag courtesy of

Hyattsville has twice the national average of same-sex couples.

I found this statistic in a June 29, 2009, article in the Washington Post by my Georgetown colleague Lonnae O’Neal Parker:

Gay and lesbian families are showing up in greater numbers in the nation’s suburbs and rural areas. The trend is a product both of migration from the cities and of cultural changes that have encouraged same-sex couples to become more visible.

Hyattsville and some of the surrounding communities appear to be well ahead of the curve. In 2000, same-sex couples made up about 0.6 percent of households in Prince George’s and nationally, according to the U.S. Census. In Hyattsville, they already accounted for 1.3 percent of households, more than double the national average, and in nearby Mount Rainier, the figure was nearly 1 percent.

The numbers come from the American Community Survey, a more detailed annual survey done to flesh out the Census, which is done every 10 years and is more general.

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