Elevation Burger’s Secret Menu


Here’s a tidbit: Elevation Burger has a secret menu.

It’s the latest fad in the restaurant world: A handful of items that aren’t on the regular menu and aren’t advertised, as NPR noted today:

Nowadays, secret menus pretty much have the same items you’d find on a regular menu, just mixed up in a different way. But the menus make people feel like they’re in on something. It’s like they’ve become restaurant insiders, or like they’ve cracked some big code.

The granddaddy of secret menus is California’s In-N-Out Burger, whose secret menu is about as secret as the Da Vinci code these days. (A Google search for “animal style fries” alone returns 594,000 results.)

Sure enough, the Hyattsville branch of Elevation Burger has two items on its secret menu: A BLT and a “thick and rare” burger. The Hyattsville Wire got a taste of the BLT tonight, pictured above, which cost $4.79. We’ll try the rare burger on another day.

Mexican chain Chipotle, located around the corner from Elevation Burger, also offers a “double-secret menu” item of its own: the quesadilla.

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