Honey Wine Maker Coming to Hyattsville

Maryland Meadworks mead Hyattsville winery alcohol honey wine

Hyattsville already has a brewery, coffee roastery, and an apiary. And it will soon get a meadery as well.

The Hyattsville Wire learned that Maryland Meadworks will move into the space next to the Shortcake Bakery along Route 1, and we already spotted a beautiful renovated teak wood door at the entrance of their new location.

Also called honey wine, mead is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey that was popular in ancient Greece and is mentioned in everything from the Rigveda to Beowulf. Then, sugar happened.

“When cane sugar overtook honey as a popular, less expensive sweetener, honey harvests declined, prices went up, and the byproducts once used to make honey wine all but disappeared,” noted Wine Enthusiast. “Mead melted into the shadows behind wine, beer and spirits.”

Now, mead is making a comeback. According to the American Mead Makers Association, mead sales surged 84 percent between 2012 and 2014.

In a LinkedIn profile, owner Ken Carter, a member of the mead makers association, describes Maryland Meadworks as producing “a wide variety of the finest quality meads (honey wines), made from all natural ingredients, including locally sourced honey, fruits, herbs and spices” since 2014.

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4 Responses to Honey Wine Maker Coming to Hyattsville

  1. John Barrat says:

    Sweet! I need Mead.

  2. Jim Blackwood says:

    I cannot wait to visit Maryland Meadworks!

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