Hyattsville SoHy District Lights Up the Holidays

A group of small business owners known as the SoHy Collective are working to help revitalize the Route 1 corridor in the SoHy District (southern Hyattsville) by lighting up the area for the holidays.

Participating businesses along Baltimore Avenue are coming together for the first annual “Light it Up-Holidays in Hyattsville” event, helping give a more festive look and feel to the community and draw visitors from other parts of the D.C. metro area through the new year. The seasonal lighting will kick off with a special “light it up” event at 5 p.m. on Friday, November 24.

The Hyattsville Wire spoke with Sue Mondeel, owner of Tanglewood Works and a spokesperson for the SoHy Collective, who said the initiative aims to encourage shops along Route 1 to light up their storefronts now through the new year.

On Friday, from 5-8 p.m., each participating business will offer “Handmade in Hyattsville” tote bags free with the first 50 purchases and have special activities throughout the evening. All events are listed on an interactive map on the SoHy Collective Instagram page @sohycollective using the hashtag #lightitupHVL.

The SoHy Collective was formed earlier this year in order to increase the visibility of the state-designated arts district in Hyattsville, as well as to address issues affecting the aesthetics and walkability of retail shops in the area. Members of the collective include small business owners, nonprofit executives and interested neighbors.

The collective has already sponsored Final Friday Art Walks to draw attention to the many local businesses within walking distance of each other along Route 1 in southern Hyattsville.

The collective is made up of several area businesses including Tanglewood Works, Three Little Birds Sewing Co., Maryland Meadworks, Shortcake Bakery, Arrow Bicycle, Studio SoHy, Vigilante Coffee, Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, Art Works Now, Pizzeria Paradiso, Franklins Restaurant, Brewery and General Store, Retrograde Vintage and Artist & Craftsman Supply. The “Light It Up” logo was designed by Betsy Martin and the “Handmade in Hyattsville” design on the tote bags was designed by Briana Bailey.

Below is a list of businesses participating in the “Light it Up” initiative:

Arrow Bicycle
Art Works Now
Artist & Craftsman
Green Owl Design
Maryland Meadworks
M&R Dominican Hair Salon
Pizzeria Paradiso
Pyramid Atlantic
Tanglewood Works
Three Little Birds Sewing Co.
Tiered & Petite by Cotton’s Gourmet
Vigilante Coffee

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