Route 1 Corridor Scores on ‘Best of D.C.’ List

Several businesses along the Route 1 corridor scored well in the 2018 Washington City Paper’s annual reader’s survey of the Best. of D.C.

The 2018 survey, published this week, includes a number of local businesses in both its readers’ picks and its editorial staff’s picks:

Tanglewood Works: The Hyattsville boutique, which sells upcycled and reinvented furniture and home goods, was named “best handmade home decor.”

Community Forklift: The Edmonston warehouse for reused home renovations materials was named “best green business.” (Tanglewood Works came in third.)

Artist & Craftsman Supply: An employee-owned arts supply store, which has a location in Hyattsville which recently celebrated its second anniversary, was named “best arts and crafts supply store.

Big Planet Comics: The local comic book chain, which has a location in College Park, was named “best comic book store.

Ledo’s Pizza: The local pizza chain, which has a long-running restaurant in College Park, was named “best pizza.”

Spartan Plumbing: A plumbing, heating and air conditioning company serving the Washington, D.C. area for over 50 years and based in Brentwood, was named “Best Plumber.”

BusBoys and Poets:  A restaurant chain with locations throughout the D.C. metro area including one in Hyattsville’s Arts District, was named “Best Gluten-Free Menu” and “Best Restaurant When You Pay.”

• Pyramid Atlantic Book Arts Fair: The annual Hyattsville event for book arts, zines and limited edition prints was named by editors the “best gathering for nerds.”

The Pyramid Atlantic Book Arts Fair appeals to a niche but fervent base: people who love artist’s books. If you’re not a part of this strange subculture, you may be wondering what an artist book is. This nebulous categorization includes everything from zines to sculptural paper folding experiments to limited edition works (essentially, anything in a bookish form that you won’t find at your neighborhood bookstore), and the PABAF rounds up some of the best and weirdest in a weekend long celebration of book nerds.  … There is nowhere else in the area, and probably the universe, where you can meet the maker of the world’s largest functioning pop-up book, learn how to tool gold leaf, buy a one-of-a-kind hand-bound book, and hold a journal made out of human hair. Bookworms, rejoice.

University of Maryland Women’s Basketball: The College Park women’s basketball team was chosen by editors as “best way to watch good basketball from center court.”

Under coach Brenda Frese, the Maryland women have made 15 NCAA tournament appearances, sitting out only two years, with an overall record of 403-111. So if you go, you’ve got a 78 percent chance of watching the team win. And you can go for cheap: Tickets prices max out at $20. Plus there are promotions for nearly every game, too, like $1 popcorn night and free post-game shoot-arounds for kids. One of these years the guys will get it together. Until then, Go Lady Terps!

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1 Response to Route 1 Corridor Scores on ‘Best of D.C.’ List

  1. Ellen H. says:

    Nice summary, and kudos to all the excellent organizations in our area!

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