The Route 1 corridor already has its own beer and its own coffee. Now, two of area’s favorite local businesses have teamed up to make its very own coffee stout, and you can try some this weekend.
Streetcar 82 Brewing Co. worked with the roasters at Vigilante Coffee to develop the beer, a popular offering from many craft brewers in recent years because of the similar flavor profiles of roasted barley and roasted coffee beans.
Co-owner Mark Burke said they developed the recipe after doing a cupping with Vigilante roaster Franklin Ventura, testing out various blends of coffee beans and stout before settling on the El Fuego dark roast.
“We made a stronger version of our stout by using less water,” Cetrano told the Hyattsville Wire. “Then to bring the stout back down to the target strength, we added the cold brew at the end of fermentation to bring it down to the target.”
Cetrano said that cold brew, which is steeped overnight, is less acidic than coffee prepared using hot water, which helps when it’s added to stout.
“The stout is creamy, a bit sweet, with of course a nice smooth coffee flavor,” added co-founder Sam Costner. “It pairs well with anything you’d eat with coffee. Think chocolate cake, vanilla ice cream, or even french toast. It’s also great on its own, and despite its name — stout is quite an easy drinking beer and does pair well with warm weather.”
If you want to try the Streetcar 82/Vigilante coffee stout, you can taste some of a test batch that will be on tap for an opening celebration this weekend.
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