Bikesharing in Hyattsville Has Finally Taken Off

Bikesharing is finally coming in earnest to Hyattsville and the Route 1 corridor.

It’s true that the city has added a handful of Capital Bikeshare docks over the past few years, but there simply weren’t enough of them in the right places for it to be very useful.

But last week, the bikeshare system finally added the missing pieces that will make bikesharing around the area dramatically more useful.

The new docks are at Prince George’s Plaza Metro station, the West Hyattsville Metro station, the Mall at Prince George’s Plaza and Riverdale Park’s town center.

They will complement existing docks at Riverdale Park Station, the Shoppes at Arts District Hyattsville, Northwestern High School, Hyattsville Middle School, the site of the future Hyattsville public library and Queens Chapel Road.

In theory, a visitor to the area could start at the Prince George’s Plaza Metro station, go shopping at the mall, then head over to Busboys and Poets for lunch. A high school student could pick up her brother at school and then go to the library. Residents can commute to work more easily or just enjoy the Trolley Trail.

Though more could be done to improve the system, especially in neighboring towns. Owners and developers of apartment buildings should add docks — or even be required to add them as a condition of rezoning.

But the annual $85 fee for a Capital Bikeshare membership just became a whole lot more worthwhile for many Hyattsville residents. Cheers to that.

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