Hyattsville Teen Photographer Lands Solo Exhibit

Photo courtesy of Benedict Gorman

Studio SoHy’s first student show, “The Road That Leads West,” which opened this past weekend and runs through Dec. 3, features Hyattsville’s own teen-aged professional photographer.

Benedict Gorman won the Hyattsville Wire’s winter photography contest in January. His new month-long exhibit at 4327 Gallatin Street in downtown Hyattsville, features photos he took at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico this summer.

Philmont is much more involved than a typical camp, with small crews of Boy Scouts hiking or riding horses along rugged terrain for a week or longer, carrying their own food, water and supplies.

Gorman’s family moved to Hyattsville five years ago so that he could attend St. Jerome Academy. He first got into photography after a visit to New Mexico in the summer of 2017.

“I was amazed by how different it was there and wanted to be able to share that with others” he said. “I then did some research, bought a camera, and now I’m here.”

This is Studio Sohy’s first student show, as part of a new effort to showcase a student artist for one month each year, but Gorman isn’t really an amateur.

He already runs his own commercial and portrait photography business, and, like many in his generation, he maintains a curated Instagram account.

Gorman told the Hyattsville Wire he especially likes to take nature shots of local birds and deer.

“There aren’t sweeping plains or soaring mountains around here, but if you look closely you can see many examples of wildlife, even in the city,” he said.

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