Hyattsville’s Three Little Birds Hosts Virtual Sew-Along for Cloth Masks to Fight Coronavirus

Photo courtesy of Three Little Birds Sewing Co.

Hyattsville’s Three Little Birds Sewing Co. will host a sew-along online to make cloth face masks to help medical professionals fighting coronavirus.

Due to a nationwide shortage of the masks, many doctors and nurses treating victims of the pandemic are reusing masks meant for one-time use. In response, volunteers around the country are making masks from other materials, while states have relaxed standards on what can be used.

While homemade masks are not as good as professionally made surgical masks, they can be quite effective.

A 2013 study of filtration efficiency found that surgical masks kept out 97% of virus-sized particles, while those made from vacuum cleaner bags kept out 95% and dish towels, 83%. Masks made from a cotton-blend and a 100% cotton T-shirt were also effective.

Three Little Birds, which has been hosting curbside pickup for its sewing materials since coronavirus hit Maryland, will host the sew along on Zoom starting at 1 p.m. You can also see a short how-to video on YouTube.

If you wish to donate your masks, you can drop them off Sunday and Monday at Three Little Birds. Email for more information.

Beyond offering resources on making face masks, Three Little Birds Sewing Co. is still shipping out orders mailing fabrics and craft kits. More details are available on their Instagram page.

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