Route 1 Kids Can Go on a Car Safari in Hyattsville Monday

A group of Hyattsville residents which organized on the HOPE in Hyattsville listerv are putting on a “car safari” Monday, March 30, for kids who have been stuck at home since schools closed.

Fifty Hyattsville homes will have some kind of animal on display on their porches, yards and second-story balconies from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday. They may be stuffed animals; made of stone, wood, plastic; inflatable; painted on a door; or even made of lights.

The list of animals includes giraffes, bears, a stuffed bobcat, flocks of flamingoes, monkeys, pigs, turtles, eagles, macaws, narwahls and penguins.

To participate, bring a pencil and print out these two fliers: Rules and address list. You may start at any address and list the animals you see at each address on your sheet. You can walk, bike or drive, but be sure to maintain proper social distancing of six feet or more from other people and do not go into people’s yards.

When you finish the trip, you can drop your completed sheet out in the open trunk at 4009 Nicholson St. If you are one of the first 23 people to do so, you can take one of the goodie bags from the trunk. And the child who finds the most animals will receive $10.

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