College Park’s Meals on Wheels Sees Demand Double During Pandemic

Photo courtesy of Meals on Wheels of College Park

Meals on Wheels of College Park has seen demand among senior citizens for its food-delivery service double during the coronavirus pandemic.

The nonprofit, which has been providing home delivered meals to the elderly and house-bound people in College Park, Greenbelt, Beltsville, Berwyn Heights, Adelphi and nearby areas since 1974, decided not to turn anyone away and is now serving 150 people.

For $5 a day, Meals on Wheels provides a hot lunch and dinner and a breakfast for the following day Monday through Friday or Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

It also partners with the city of Hyattsville to serve its residents.

Chair Lisa Ealley told the Diamondback that they are taking extra precautions during the pandemic to sanitize their cooking and prep areas twice a day, and volunteers are wearing gloves and masks when delivering food.

If you would like to volunteer with Meals on Wheels of College Park, email or call 301-474-1002. To sign up for meal delivery, fill out this form. You can send donations through PayPal to

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