Construction Continues at New Hyattsville Library Despite Slowdown

Work on the new Hyattsville public library at 6530 Adelphi Rd. is continuing, although there have been some delays due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Michael B. Gannon, chief operating officer for support services for the Prince George’s County library system, told the Hyattsville Wire that some delays were caused by slower-than-usual responses from Pepco and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission on connecting power, water and sewer.

“The utility companies are always a challenge to deal with for construction during normal times, but now with COVID, everything moves at a glacier speed,” he said.

All exterior windows have been installed at the library along with most of the terra cotta panels on the exterior. The aluminum panels for the exterior were accidentally made inside out and have been sent back to the manufacturer to be remade.

Meanwhile, contractors are in the process of installing a green roof, elevators, drywall and interior lighting.

Gannon said they are hoping to open the library to the public late spring.

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