Food Hall Coming to the Station at Riverdale Park by Late Summer

Photo courtesy of Hospitality HQ

A new food hall is coming to the Station at Riverdale Park by late summer.

Managed by Hospitality HQ, the food hall will house nine independent vendors, including some running “ghost kitchens” that serve delivery-only restaurants.

The 8,500-square-foot interior at 4501 Woodberry St., will include a wrap-around bar and indoor and outdoor seating for 175 people.

Founded by chef Akhtar Nawab, Hospitality HQ runs similar food halls in Omaha, Neb.; Knoxville, Tenn; Chicago; Houston; Salt Lake City; Fargo, N.D.; Louisville, Ken.; and Portland, Maine. In D.C. it ran the now-closed restaurant Prather’s on the Alley.

“With its excellent public amenities, open outdoor spaces and pedestrian walkways, our forthcoming food hall will join The Station’s outstanding efforts to serve the local community as well as its neighbors in Arlington, Baltimore and Washington, D.C.,” Nawab said in an announcement about the project.

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