Brentwood’s Little Miner Taco Extends ‘Kids Eat Free’ Offer For Good

Courtesy of Little Miner Taco

Little Miner Taco in Brentwood is extending its “kids eat free” offer for good.

When public schools closed a year ago due to the coronavirus pandemic, the popular Brentwood taqueria began offering one free meal per day to kids from its kids menu.

“No gimmicks, no asking for donations, kids eat free,” chef Mackenzie Kitburi wrote on Instagram. “No questions asked.”

After serving more than 3,000 free kids’ meals in the first few weeks, Little Miner Taco extended the program to the end of the summer, and then extended it again. Now they said they are making it a permanent offer.

“Being an asset in the communities we serve excites us, taking care of our families while feeding yours excites us, bringing people together and spreading love excites us and that’s really what we are here for,” they wrote on Instagram.

The taqueria, which also runs a popular food truck that serves the greater D.C. area, is also planning to open a second eatery offering New Orleans-style seafood and burgers at the miXt food hall (formerly called Savor) at 3809 Rhode Island Ave. in Brentwood.

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