‘Cook’s House’ at Hyattsville’s Franklins Named ‘Best Bar Burger’ by Washingtonian

The Route 1 corridor already has the D.C. area’s best barbecue and best coffee. Now it has the greater metropolitan area’s best bar burger.

In the August issue now on newsstands, Washingtonian magazine named Franklins “Cook’s House” the best bar burger in the D.C. area.

“Best in class: The Cook’s House—with pickles, spicy mayo, bacon, and cheddar,” they wrote.

The burger is part of a new menu developed last year by executive chef Kevin Coleman, who previously worked as a sous chef at Rosa Mexicano at National Harbor and other D.C. area restaurants.

Franklins made the Washingtonian‘s list of best neighborhood restaurants last year and had its new outdoor tiki bar highlighted in Washington City Paper.

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