New Playground Opens at Park Near West Hyattsville Metro

A new colorful playground is now open near the West Hyattsville Metro aimed at kids ages 2 to 12.

Located at Kirkwood Neighborhood Park at 2600 Nicholson St., the playground is a half mile from the new Riverfront at West Hyattsville townhomes near the Metro station that are now for sale along with the a new Kaiser Permanente health center under construction. It’s divided into an area for  2 to 5 year olds and one for kids up to 12 and includes a long slide along with a variety of climbing stations.

The park is at the confluence of Sligo Creek and the Northwest Branch of the Anacostia River and the trailhead of Sligo Creek Trail from the Northwest Branch Trail, making it a well-traveled area, especially on weekends.

Like other neighborhood parks in Hyattsville, Kirkwood is owned by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission and managed by the city.

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