Five New Outdoor Sculptures Added in Riverdale Park

Five new outdoor sculptures have been added in Riverdale Park for 2021 in public spaces around town as part of an annual public art effort.

One piece in the 6100 block of the Rhode Island Avenue Trolley Trail, “Glimpse of Possibilities,” is by Washington Glass School founder Erwin Timmers, his first piece of public art on the Route 1 corridor.

Made with recycled aluminum window glass and special red glass from a German company, the sculpture uses a solar-powered battery to light up each night starting around dusk.

The other art can be viewed on Beale Circle near the Wells Fargo Bank, in front of Chambers Funeral Home in the Arts District, at the Riverdale Recreation Park at 5400 Haig Dr. and at Mabel Munch Park at Lafayette Avenue and Queensbury Road.

Started in 2015 by the Hyattsville Community Development Corporation, the Riverdale Park Public Art Initiative features several pieces of public art each year which can be purchased at the end of their time in public.

One piece of art, “Great Blue Herons” by the late Joanna Blake, is on permanent display at the intersection of Route 1 and East West Highway.

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