This Route 1 Restaurant Guide Features More Than 80 Local Eateries

If you’re looking for ideas on your next night out, there’s a helpful restaurant guide for the Route 1 corridor.

Created by the Hyattsville Community Development Corporation, the directory features more than 80 restaurants, coffee shops and bakeries in Hyattsville, and nearly two dozen more in Edmonston, Riverdale Park and Mount Rainier.

Started in 2012, the guide is now in its seventh edition, available in print and online as a ready-to-print PDF or a searchable database.

As with the CDC’s Welcome Guide, which was released in an updated version this week, the restaurant guide is helpful for people new to the area, but it’s also useful for even longtime residents looking for something different.

Publications ranging from Eater D.C. to the Washingtonian to the Washington Post have also done their own dining guides for top restaurants for parts of the Route 1 corridor in the past, although those are not as comprehensive.

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