Tacos a la Madre Coming to Berwyn Neighborhood in College Park

An authentic Mexican taqueria is coming soon to the former location of Fishnet in the Berwyn neighborhood of College Park.

Located at 5010 Berwyn Rd., just off the Rhode Island Avenue Trolley Trail, Tacos a la Madre brings a diverse menu of authentic Mexican dishes, including tacos made with shrimp, Birria, pork sausage, spicy chicken and beef tongue.

The menu also features originals like Papas a la Madre, which are fresh fries with a melted blend of Mexican cheeses with sauces like carne asada, pico de gallo as well as sour cream, and Birria nachos. They have also added vegetarian, vegan and keto-friendly dishes, and plan to feature authentic Mexican breakfast as well.

Calling themselves “tacologists,” the owners of the taqueria first got started working out of their home last year. From there, they moved to a temporary location at the Holiday Inn in College Park this past spring just for a few months, often selling out their pick-up oriented business.

After searching for a permanent home, the owners of Taco a la Madre found the former site of Fishnet, which closed in 2019, and completely redid the interior.

In the meantime, before they officially open doors, you can order online for pickup now at their new College Park location on Berwyn Road. Pickup is 1 to 8 p.m. on Saturdays and 1 to 7 p.m. on Sundays.

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