Land Around Hyattsville Justice Center Could Be Sold to Developer

Prince George’s County is looking for a partner to turn the land around the Hyattsville Justice Center into a new mixed-use development.

The county identified the 7.5-acre triangular-shaped property at 5000 Rhode Island Ave. just south of Farragut Street as a potential redevelopment site.

It’s one of 10 pieces of public property that the county is looking to sell to private developers through its Grand Slam 2021 economic development plan.

Any new project would likely follow the outlines of a 2015 plan that called for building townhomes on the northwest corner of the property, an apartment building next to the courthouse facing Route 1, and a live music venue on the northeast corner.

The courthouse would remain, and space along Route 1 would be reserved for future commercial development.

If the area is redeveloped, it would add more foot traffic to this area of Hyattsville, enlivening a dead spot between the downtown and nearby popular spots like Streetcar 82 Brewing Co. and Pizzeria Paradiso.

The county is also looking to sell a number of smaller properties totaling around
4.5 acres in Riverdale Park for housing.

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