Trader Joe’s Is Coming to College Park

Courtesy of KLNB

Trader Joe’s is coming to a new development in College Park.

Residents of the Route 1 corridor have long hoped that the popular upscale grocery chain would add a location, especially since competitors such as Whole Foods and Lidl are here.

In a map posted online by commercial real estate company KLNB, the popular upscale grocery chain is listed as a tenant of what was called the Southern Gateway project on the former site of Plato’s Diner in the 7000 block of Baltimore Avenue. The development has been renamed Aster College Park, which is slated to be completed next summer.

The Hyattsville Wire has confirmed that the map is accurate with a person familiar with plans for the development.

The Trader Joe’s will likely go in a 14,662-square-foot space on the southeast side of the project off Guilford Drive marked as a “specialty grocer” on KLNB’s brochures. Another 20,156-square-foot space has been marked as a yet-to-be-named health club.

The average size of a Trader Joe’s is around 15,000 square feet, roughly a third the size of a regular grocery store.

Grocery stores have become popular anchor tenants in developments such as Aster College Park because they draw customers throughout the week and are an added amenity for potential residents of the 393 apartments on site.

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