New Hyattsville Library Now Slated to Open in March

The new Hyattsville public library at 6530 Adelphi Rd. is now slated to open in March.

During the final inspection of the building last Tuesday, several minor issues were tagged which a contractor is now resolving, pushing back the planned January opening, Prince George’s County Memorial Library System Chief Operating Officer for Support Services Michael Gannon told the Hyattsville Wire.

Next week, the library system will focus on training maintenance staff, he added.

“This will be one of our biggest branches and definitely the most complex,” Gannon told the Wire. “It has our first garage and first vegetative roof so our staff need to be trained in their proper maintenance.”

The building already has furniture installed and books and other materials on the shelves, so once a permit is issued, staff will move in with the remaining supplies currently in storage to prepare for an opening in March.

“We are hoping the Covid-19 levels have significantly decreased so that we can have an actual Grand Opening ceremony with a ribbon cutting,” Gannon said.

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3 Responses to New Hyattsville Library Now Slated to Open in March

  1. Mike S says:

    Can you please open up the Hyattsville Library ASAP. March will bring us exactly 5 years since the old building closed in 2017. A few minor issues should take 1 to 2 weeks to fix, repair, modify and correct. Many people in the Hyattsville library have now been without a library since May when we were told it would be August or September. To worry about a vegetative roof in the middle of an Artic Blast of winter seems utterly foolish. The doors need to be open. books and dvds to be circulating after spend 10’s of millions of dollars. I know the wheels of government move slowly, but take your foot off the brakes and try applying them on the accelerator ASAP.
    Thank you

    Mike S.

  2. Nan M says:

    So glad they kept the space ship! Looking forward to seeing this new, modernized and much larger library!!! Now, if someone can only fix the brick sidewalk around UTC that is crumbling – lowest bidder there 🙁

  3. David Juilfs says:

    I agree with Mike S. GET THE HYATTSVILLE LIBRARY OPEN!!! The Citizens of the area have been beyond patient.

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