Group of Hyattsville Residents Create New Flag Design for the City (Sponsored Post)

By Alex Miller, Hyattsville Resident and Local Artist

If you look away every time you see the City of Hyattsville’s flag, you are not alone.

In many ways, the flag is poorly designed and breaks nearly every rule of good flag design according to the experts, known as vexillologists.

It is anything but simple, the first principle of good flag design. And yes, it has a flag within the flag and it uses words and a seal. But if you were ever able to get close enough to read that tiny text, you would see it boldly proclaims our city to be a “good” place to live. Not “great”. Not “amazing”. Not “inspiring”. But just . . . “good”.

My neighbors, we deserve better.

A group of Hyattsvillians have come together to create a new, beautiful, and symbolic HVL flag design that we can proudly fly.

Featuring a symbol of wisdom, creativity and the complexities of life, the Ananse Ntontan in the middle is a perfect visual representation for the incredible people who live in Hyattsville.

The three horizontal stripes converging into a single point represents the many people from different corners of the world who come together to form this amazing community of ours. The colors are straight from the city’s own palette – “Hyattsville red” and “white.”

Join us in beautifying the city and making the old flag a thing of the past.

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