New Imaginative Playground Opens in Mount Rainier at 37th Street Park

A new imaginative playground just opened in Mount Rainier at 3711 37th St., giving kids another fun outdoor play area to explore on the Route 1 corridor.

Located between Perry Street and Otis Street, the 37th Street Park was recently upgraded with new playground equipment on a rubber ground surface which includes two shaded slides along with play rocks, a spider web and other rope systems to climb on.

The city plans to hold a ribbon-cutting soon but Mayor Celina Benitez said she wanted residents to know about it now so they could take advantage of it now.

The small neighborhood park is already home to a pollinator garden and several fruit-bearing trees which were added by volunteers a few years ago.

The city recently upgraded the nearby 31st Street Park with a rain garden, a “food forest” with paw paw trees and other natural features like tree stumps for jumping and climbing on, brush piles, a walking trail, and even a lean to where kids can play.

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