Fast-Casual Mediterranean Eatery Opens in College Park City Hall

A New York-based chain of Mediterranean restaurants has opened a location in the new College Park city hall.

Located at 7401 Baltimore Ave., Taim Mediterranean Kitchen (pronounced ty-eem) has a Chipotle-style fast casual approach to dishes like falafel, golden eggplant, cauliflower shawarma as well as its own dishes like fries with garlic aioli.

For the College Park location, which takes up about 1,540-square-feet, the restaurant also offers a variation on the fries made with Old Bay seasoning.

Taim first opened in the West Village in New York City in 2005 and has expanded to a dozen locations in New York and New Jersey and one in D.C. near Dupont Circle.

The company’s chief development officer, Matt France, is an alum of the University of Maryland.

You can also order Taim for delivery through its own website and DoorDash.

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