You Can Charge Your Cellphone at Hyattsville’s Solar- and Wind-Powered Sculpture

Hyattsville installed a solar- and wind-powered sculpture at a city park that allows users to charge cell phones, tablets or anything else that uses a standard USB port.

Located at Hyatt Park at 3500 Hamilton St., the 18-foot-tall EnergiPlant is shaped like a tree, with four broad green leaves that are covered in solar panels topped by a wind turbine.

Power generated by the unit is stored in batteries inside four benches that stick out from the center of the sculpture which also contain two USB outlets each for public charging.

While large, the sculpture does not feel out of place next to similar whimsical pieces in the Hyatt Park playground.

The 800-pound sculpture is sturdily built to deter kids from climbing up the main plant stem and can survive wind speeds of up to 110 mph.

In the event of an emergency, the city can quickly dismantle the sculpture and move it into storage. The benches also can be used for advertising to generate revenue to offset their cost, although the city for now has only posted public service announcements.

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