College Park Partnership Plans $3 Million Bike Path to Trolley Trail

The College Park City-University Partnership plans to extend a campus bike path to the Rhode Island Avenue Trolley Trail.

The $3 million bike lane would run along Campus Drive from the main campus to the intersection with the Trolley Trail near the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute.

Though it’s only a half-mile, it would make College Park much more bikeable, especially for University of Maryland students living in one of the apartment buildings along Route 1.

The proposal, first reported by Streetcar Suburbs News, comes as the university plans to expand its biking infrastructure.

In April, the university published a 42-page study outlining plans to expand and improve bike paths throughout campus. The study noted that all the new nearby housing has raised demand for more “last-mile” trips on foot or on bikes, scooters, and even skateboards.

“This demand will only increase with additional pending off-campus housing along the Baltimore Ave corridor, as well as the completion of the Purple Line and its accompanying side path that runs east-west through the entire campus,” the study noted.

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