Hyattsville Musician Rebuilds Victorian House With Modern Techniques

Courtesy of DMV Net Zero Coalition

A popular Hyattsville musician has rebuilt his Victorian home after a house fire using cutting-edge techniques to reduce its energy use.

Joe Atkins, who started the Zydeco band the Wild Anacostias, was devastated when his historic house in the 4900 block of 42nd Avenue burned down in 2020.

But rather than rebuild in a more contemporary style, he decided to try to recreate the Queen Anne Victorian style, hiring Hyattsville architect Michael Romero.

The new house, dubbed the “Queen of Zero,” was built using high-performance techniques to make it a “net zero” home, such as structurally insulated panels, a Tesla solar roof and high-performance heating and air conditioning.

That’s actually quite appropriate, as Victorian homes incorporated what were then cutting-edge techniques, such as taller double-hung windows to maximize interior air flow and wide porches to reduce heat from direct sun.

The home is already drawing attention in architectural circles, and the DMV Net Zero Coalition is even hosting an open house on Friday, Sept. 20 in which experts will discuss how it was done.

Tickets to the open house are available here. Proceeds go toward the Net Zero Coalition and contractors putting on the open house.

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1 Response to Hyattsville Musician Rebuilds Victorian House With Modern Techniques

  1. Rachel Elena Roxbury says:

    Cool! And I mean that figuratively and literally!

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