Will Route 1 Keep Its New Electric Bikes?

Commuters along the Route 1 corridor will soon learn whether more electric bikes are in their future.

Since September, Capital Bikeshare stations at the Shoppes at Arts District Hyattsville and Riverdale Park Station have offered CaBi Plus, an e-bike pilot program that ends this month.

The two e-bikes were part of 80 offered throughout the system, as part of an effort by the bike-sharing program to remain competitive with new electric scooters and other personal transportation options.

E-bikes have grown in popularity in recent years because they make biking less of an athletic challenge and more accessible to the disabled and older commuters. Along the Route 1 corridor, they also make climbing big hills less sweaty.

The future of the pilot program isn’t yet clear. But Prince George’s County Department of Public Works and Transportation spokeswoman Paulette Jones told the Hyattsville Wire that some users reported that they’ve shortened their commute using the e-bikes.

“Bikeshare supports on-going efforts to expand bicycle infrastructure and increase opportunities for residents and visitors to utilize an important transportation option,” she said.

She added that the bikeshare system will add more stations in Prince George’s County in 2019.

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