College Park to Add $300 Million Office Building Along Route 1

Courtesy of Brandywine Realty Trust

A $300 million development with office space, apartments and shops is coming to the empty lot next to the Hotel at the University of Maryland at the corner of Campus Drive and Baltimore Avenue.

As part of the university’s Discovery District, the five-acre project will feature 550,000 square feet of office space, as many as 250 apartment and first-floor shops.

Philadelphia-based Brandywine Realty Trust will manage the project at the corner of Route 1 across from the front entrance to the University of Maryland which will be designed by Baltimore architecture firm Ayers Saint Gross.

Terrapin Development Co. President Ken Ulman said in a release that the project will “create a dynamic, place-based development to serve as a gathering spot for the local community.”

The building will be next to a Purple Line station, kitty-cornered from the Brendan Iribe Center for Computer Science and Engineering and near WeWork and the Hall CP as well as innovation labs in the garage at the Hotel at the University of Maryland.

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