The Clarice Brings Fun Take on Music of ‘Frozen’ to College Park

The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center will host a family-friendly take on the music from “Frozen” next month in College Park.

On Saturday, March 4, it will host a stage show featuring Outcalls, a duo of classically trained opera singers, in partnership with 89.7 WTMD’s Saturday Morning Tunes.

The 45-minute show includes songs such as “Let It Go” and “Into the Unknown” as well as subtle jokes poking fun at the two “Frozen” movies aimed at the parents in the audience.

Attendees are encouraged to dress in costume. Young kids will be able to meet and have their photo taken with the singers who are playing the princesses before or after the performance for an additional $20 per family.

Outcalls, who have been called “the reigning queens of the Baltimore City music scene,” also write and perform their own artsy pop music, available through BandCamp and other streaming sites.

Tickets are available online here. Kids under 2 are free and up to 17 are $13.50, and adults are $18.50. A family four-pack is also available for $59.

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