Category Archives: Bladensburg

Stories about Bladensburg, Maryland, in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., with a focus on arts, culture, history, real estate and development.

The first floor of the Bladensburg public library will be open to the public starting at noon on Tuesday, after construction went more quickly than anticipated.  Continue reading

Visitors age 21 and older can get a sneak peek of the new Bladensburg public library on Sunday, Oct. 29 before it officially opens. Construction is nearly done on the 22,834 square-foot library — almost three times the size of the 1920s-era building it replaces. Continue reading

Located just south of Bladensburg, Eden’s Kitchen uses 100 percent teff flour to make its injera, a spongy flatbread that is a staple of Eritrean and Ethiopian cuisine. Continue reading

With money from D.C.’s five-cent bag tax, the Anacostia Riverkeeper holds regular tours that start at the Navy Yard marina and head upriver to the railroad bridge. Continue reading

Since January, Runners SoHy has met at 9 a.m. on Sundays at Vigilante Coffee in Hyattsville for three- to four-mile runs around the neighborhood. Continue reading

You can legally swim in the Anacostia River for a few hours in September. Swimming has been illegal in the river since 1971 due to pollution, but infrastructure improvements and other efforts have improved water quality enough that D.C. is allowing the sanctioned swim. Continue reading

For the last three years, science writer Gabe Popkin and photographer Leslie Brice have visited ash tree groves to document trees dying from the emerald ash borer. Continue reading

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