Category Archives: Edmonston

Stories about Edmonston, Maryland, in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., with a focus on arts, culture, history, real estate and development.

Snapshot of mural featuring the Wire at the new Hyattsville public library

Posted on by Alison Beckwith

Why the Hyattsville Wire Needs Your Support to Keep Going

The Hyattsville Wire celebrated our 11th anniversary online this year, but to continue our coverage, we need more support from the community. We just can’t keep going as we have. Continue reading

Many of our readers have signed up for our email option, which emails you every post we run as soon as we publish it. Continue reading

The Hyattsville Wire is now on Threads and we’ve grown rapidly in just the few days since we started posting, adding followers and gaining likes and shares on our stories about life on the Route 1 corridor. Continue reading

With money from D.C.’s five-cent bag tax, the Anacostia Riverkeeper holds regular tours that start at the Navy Yard marina and head upriver to the railroad bridge. Continue reading

Since January, Runners SoHy has met at 9 a.m. on Sundays at Vigilante Coffee in Hyattsville for three- to four-mile runs around the neighborhood. Continue reading

You can legally swim in the Anacostia River for a few hours in September. Swimming has been illegal in the river since 1971 due to pollution, but infrastructure improvements and other efforts have improved water quality enough that D.C. is allowing the sanctioned swim. Continue reading

Communities along the Route 1 corridor have recently gained recognition for their efforts at boosting native pollinators. Continue reading

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