Tag Archives: coronavirus

Maryland Meadworks is now delivering in Washington, D.C. as of this weekend. After a trial run with a limited group of customers, the Hyattsville meadery at 4700 Rhode Island Ave., began its first regular once-a-week deliveries in Washington, D.C. officially today. And it’s the only meadery delivering in D.C. Continue reading

For the past month, professional cellist Jodi Beder has put on a half-hour concert every day at 1 p.m. on the front porch of her Mount Rainier home for her neighbors and the world. Continue reading

Dr. Donald Milton, an environmental health professor at the University of Maryland, has long used a handmade contraption he calls the “Gesundheit machine” to better understand the flu, and how it spreads, in order to find more effective ways to slow it. Now his research is being used to fight the coronavirus. Continue reading

Joe’s Movement Emporium is offering daytime care for children of essential workers in Maryland beginning April 20. To qualify, children must be between the ages of 5 and 13 and have a parent who is considered an essential worker in Maryland. Continue reading

You can still get lunch or dinner from College Park’s Ledo restaurant, which has been open for curbside pickup with its full regular menu from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Continue reading

Riverdale Park residents have raised more than $9,000 this month to buy meals from local restaurants and give them to neighbors in need. Continue reading

Faculty and students at two University of Maryland engineering labs in College Park are now producing hand sanitizer and surgical masks for health-care workers and others fighting coronavirus. Continue reading

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